Businesswomen Empowerment
- Organizing training courses to Build-up businesswomen capabilities such as:
- Tax Workshop
- Problem Solving & Decision Making.
- Time Management Training.
- Effective Communication Skills.
- Promoting Women's Legal Rights Awareness.
- Organizing events of different interests for Businesswomen:
- Holding Businesswoman Day conference: to discuss all topics that concern businesswomen and giving opportunities of cooperation and coordination between ABWA-Members and other Egyptian, Arab, and foreign Businesswomen.
The conference is carried out on a yearly basis since 2007 with a different theme each year that fits the late-breaking topics.

- Businesswoman Day Yearly Conference
1st BWD 2007:
2nd BWD 2008:
3rd BWD 2009:
4th BWD 2010:
5th BWD 2011 :
6th BWD 2012:
7th BWD 2015:
8th BWD 2016:
9th BWD 2017:
Youth Empowerment
- Technological Incubators project:
Helping new graduates to start their technological projects through specialized computer programs.
- Entrepreneurship Concept Initiative:
Aiming to encourage self-employment and working on creating a promising business career.
- STEM Project: SHE MADE IT – Egypt, Best Practice of 2018
Encouraging youth females to specialize in different scientific fields STEM. Two major events “SHE made IT” were held in Cairo and Alexandria with collaboration of major entities:
- Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
- Nile University –
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina –
- Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology, Alexandria E-JUST.

Strategic partnerships
- One of the main founders and members of The Arab Businesswomen Association Council.
- Acquired a membership of the Union for Economic Development Association throughout Egypt.
- Jointpartnership with Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen (VdU) & Global Project Partners (GPP) sponsored by the "German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation".

- One of the main founders of Women Entrepreneurs’ Network (WEN)
Funded by USAID and supported by Business Egypt project with the aim of supporting aspiring and established women entrepreneurs and increasing their access to several entrepreneurial services allowing them to grow their business, and create employment opportunities, as well as allow the members to educate and learn from each other’s experiences, coordinate the scattered efforts, and promote a healthier, more supportive ecosystem.

- Partnership with Business Egypt (USAID-funded program implemented by DAI)
Aiming to substantially increase sales revenues and investments among Egyptian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises and, by so doing, create new job opportunities, especially for women and youth.

- Member of Women in Business Network WiB

That includes the membership of major businesswomen Associations from Germany, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal. The network aims to increase the visibility of female entrepreneurs, to highlight role models and diversity in business and to create an open corporate culture. Increasing the visibility of women entrepreneurs and strengthening the associations involved improves the public dialogue with all relevant stakeholders and give women entrepreneurs a strong voice.
- CSR Unit Establishment
- Secretarial Nursing: helped number of young female to join hospitals' staff.
- Laptop maintenance: youth are trained to work in this field.
- Recycled paper / handmade products: Both are being executed by handicaps.

Dissemination of the Concept of Entrepreneurship project
Aiming to encourage self-employment and working on creating a promising business career.

STEM Project
Technology and IT have become an inseparable part of daily life.
Due to cultural barriers Egyptian females are discouraged to join technology jobs or open their own companies.
It become very essential to encourage female new generations to take up the field of science and technology (STEM) and qualify them to cope with global competitiveness in this area.
An MOU was signed between ABWA and BWE 21 during the 9th Businesswomen Day conference held by ABWA on October 2017.

SHE MADE IT – Egypt; Best Practice of 2018
- Execution of the MOU with BWE 21.
- Attaining the collaboration with major entities:
– Nile University – Cairo.
– Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Alexandria.
– Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology,Alexandria E-JUST.
– Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Bibliotheca Alexandrina 27 October 2018
1st SHE MADE IT - Cairo

Held on October 2018 at Bibliotheca Alexandrin – Alexandria with the collaboration of:
- The Women Studies and Social Transforma of the research centres of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Academic Research Sector.
- Egypt-Japan University for Science and TechnologyE-JUST
One of the main founders of Women Entrepreneurs’ Network (WEN):
Funded by USAID and supported by Business Egypt project with the aim of supporting aspiring and established women entrepreneurs and increasing their access to several entrepreneurial services allowing them to grow their business, and create employment opportunities, as well as allow the members to educate and learn from each other’s experiences, coordinate the scattered efforts, and promote a healthier, more supportive ecosystem.